Mar 30, 2014

I’ve decided to do a Sponsored Tweets review because this is one of my favorite online activities for a little extra cash. If you have a Twitter account with almost no followers, then bothering with this might be a waste of time. However, I would say that if you have at least 50 followers, you should sign up.

Here’s how it works:

1. Sign up and create a Sponsored Tweets account.
You will have to give Sponsored Tweets permission to access your Twitter feed. It’s OK to do this — they will only tweet out things you’ve agreed to tweet out.
2. Once you’ve signed up …
… either wait for advertisers to request for you to tweet things or check the “open opportunities” board when you log in to see if there’s something you can tweet out that pays per click. If advertisers contact you directly with tweets, you’ll be paid whatever you have set your tweet rate at. I currently have around 400 followers and Sponsored Tweets has suggested I charge $1.46 per tweet. I have it set much lower than that and still don’t get many offers unfortunately. If you choose things from the open opps board, you can take whatever opps you want, write the tweet (there will be instructions on what you should write) and then if any of your followers clicks the link in the tweet, you’ll get paid whatever the PPC (pay per click) rate is for that opportunity. When I log in, I usually have at least 10-15 of these to choose from. Please note that all ads have to be disclosed as ads. You can choose your method of disclosure when you write the tweet.
3. Get paid.
This will happen when you have $50 accumulated or when you request it. You cannot request your payout on less than $50 without being charged a $2 fee, however. Payment is via Paypal, and they pay quickly.
4. Refer your friends.
Sponsored Tweets will give you 10 percent of anything your friend’s earn on their tweets (this isn’t taken away from your friend’s money — it’s just a bonus for you). You are given a personalized Sponsored Tweets referral link that you can post wherever you like to get people to sign up. They also have banners you can put on your webpage or blog if you have one to get referrals.

Some Tips for Making Sponsored Tweets Work For You

First and foremost, do NOT spam your friends with Sponsored Tweets ads!
This is a perfect way to not only NOT get clicks, but to lose some of your precious followers. I’m sure you understand — don’t you find it annoying when you see a person posting nothing but ads on your Twitter feed? I know I do, and it makes me feel inclined to stop following the person who’s doing it. So choose your tweets carefully — don’t just copy/paste what the advertiser suggests you tweet. Instead, try to write it in such a way that it sounds natural without sounding like an advertisement while still getting the main point across. If you don’t get the point across, the advertiser has the right to reject your tweet.
Also, choose your tweets carefully from the open order board.
Don’t just tweet out all of them that you see, as tempting as it may be to do so. Instead, pick out the tweets that you feel your particular group of followers might find interesting. If you see an opportunity on there for something to do with car sales or hardware and you know that most if not all of your followers wouldn’t really care about that, don’t tweet it out because it’s not going to get clicked on anyway. Stick to selecting opps that you think your followers would actually have an interest in.

The Reality of Sponsored Tweets

You should not expect Sponsored Tweets to be a viable source of income unless you’re a celebrity or have a very large number of followers (like in the thousands or something). I personally don’t earn that much from it, but I do earn enough to do it here and there in between my actual work. I try to log in once a day and find something relevant to tweet out to my followers. As I gain more and more followers, there is of course the potential for me to earn more. So I will close this Sponsored Tweets review by saying that I do recommend signing up, but you shouldn’t expect to earn much right away.

Do you want to sign up now?

The link to get signed up for Sponsored Tweets is here. Good luck and please comment below with your Sponsored Tweets experience.

Extra Cash & Rewards


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