Mar 30, 2014

A GPT Site That Pays in Lottery Tickets!
If you like using GPT sites (Swagbucks, Inbox Dollars, etc.) there is a newer one I came across with a bit of a twist on the old model. Instead of getting paid in cash, you get paid in lottery tickets! This is kind of cool because you never know how much, if anything, you’ll earn for doing all the things you do on GPT sites like filling out surveys, offers, and quizzes.

The site is called Get Scratchers, and as the name implies they do send you scratch-off lottery tickets to your mailbox.

How does it work?

Get Scratchers works like just about any other GPT site. You register an account (this is of course free to do as it always should be with any site like this) and then you start checking to see what you can do earn points. Once you have at least 250 points in your account,  you can request a lottery ticket.
You’ll see a screen like this when you log in that shows you what you can do and how many points it will earn you. As you can see there are additional tabs for more offers and surveys you can fill out:

How does the whole lottery ticket thing work?

As stated above, you can request a lottery ticket once you have at least 250 points. They will send you a scratch-off ticket from the state of either California or South Dakota. This is because scratch-off tickets from those two states can be won by anyone in the US. Lottery tickets from other states won’t work because limitations regarding who can win off of them. If you get your ticket and win a prize, you simply follow the instructions on the back of the ticket and claim it. This requires mailing your ticket in. For large prizes over $100 you’ll have to print off and fill out a claim form and send that in with your ticket. Then, the lottery office in whichever state you won the prize from will mail you your money.

Is Get Scratchers open to people outside the US?

Not currently. The whole “lottery ticket as a reward” thing makes that rather complicated, so for now it’s just for people in the US.

Is there a referral program?

Yes, Get Scratchers will reward you for referring friends to use the site. They will give you your own personalized link and if anyone signs up using that link, you’ll get 10 percent of their earnings for as long as they are members. And you’ll also get two percent of the earnings from the people they refer.
Don’t worry, these extra points you get for referring them isn’t taken away from their earnings, it’s just an extra little bonus for you.

How long does it take for them to send you your lottery tickets after you redeem?

Get Scratchers says it could take as long as 6 to 8 weeks to get your scratch-off tickets in the mail, but normally it happens much sooner than that.

Would this be worth it?

That’s up to you to decide … I am on the fence. On the one hand, you could possibly win a lot of money because that’s how it works with lottery tickets. If you got 250 points built up, asked for a ticket, and won even $10 off of it, then for sure it would be worth it! But then sometimes with lottery tickets you don’t win a single thing. So not worth it at all if that’s the case.
I think ultimately I’d be up for trying this because I love to scratch off lottery tickets. It’s fun and exciting to do.

Do you want to sign up?

Go here to sign up for Get Scratchers. And please comment below if you have experience with the site.


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