Mar 30, 2014

If you like trying out iPhone apps, you might enjoy also getting paid for sharing them with people. There is a way to do that with something I discovered called iBee. As of the date of this blog post, iBee can only be used with the iOS (Apple) platform, but the company is working to to get it going for Android right now. They hope to have iBee Android friendly by early this year.

How iBee Works

Visit iBee from your Safari or Chrome app on your device by going to From there, you can see the available apps you can create “buzz” about. Some of these apps will offer cash incentives to you for every download coming from your buzz. So for example if you select an app and write something about it on your Facebook page, sharing the link that iBee gives you, and then one of your friends downloads the app coming from your link, you will get money.

How much money do you get?

It depends on what the app promoter is paying iBee. Currently iBee splits the revenue with you, giving you 70 percent of whatever the app promoter pays if someone downloads an app from your link. So if the app promoter is paying ten cents per download, iBee will keep three cents and you’ll receive seven cents.
As stated above, the exact amount per download will vary. Some pay more while others pay much less. The website states that some app promoters are giving as much as $2 per download while others are only giving ten cents.

When do you get paid?

iBee will transfer all your earnings to your Paypal account at the end of each month. Currently Paypal is the only method of payment available.

Feedback so far?

This is a newish thing, so there isn’t a lot of feedback so far. However, I am seeing that iBee is pretty active on social media. They have a ton of Facebook and Twitter followers. It will be interesting to see what people are saying about it soon after more have tried it.

Would you like to try iBee?

Go here to get started, and please comment below letting me know what you think.

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