Mar 30, 2014

MyLikes is a way you can earn a little extra money not only through Twitter, but also through Facebook, Tumblr, and YouTube. This site has been around for a while, but they have recently changed the way things are set up. I am personally liking the new set up a little more than the way it was in the past, which I always had problems with because it was sort of buggy for me. Here is how you can earn extra cash on MyLikes now:

Create Your Account

You can connect MyLikes with your Twitter, Facebook, Tumblr, or YouTube. You don’t have to pick just one of these — you can connect it to all of them if you want to.

Share Links

After you’re connected/logged in, you’ll see a page of text links you can share. I’m looking at it right now and some of the things I’m seeing are, “Strangest Body Piercings,” “10 Best Movie Kisses.” These all seem to be kind of general, but in a way that’s a good thing. It’s stuff that would appeal to just about anyone. If you share these links, you’re likely to get clicks/views. And this is where the extra money comes in!

Earn Cash

MyLikes will pay you every time the links you share get clicked on or viewed by your followers. Each link has a different per click rate. Some things pay as much as 20 to 30 cents a click while others are as low as 7 cents  a click.

How You Get Your Money

MyLikes pays out on Fridays in the form of either Amazon cards or Paypal cash. You only need $2 to cash out your earnings.

A Tip

Don’t spam your followers with these links as tempting as it may be! There’s a good chance you’ll get some clicks if you share the links occasionally, but if you’re sending them out one after the other in hopes of earning more than just a little extra, you may as well not bother. Your friends and followers will become annoyed and either hide your posts or stop following you altogether. And then of course you’ll earn no money at all.
I think that as long as you look at this as an opportunity for just some extra pocket change and understand that you should post the links sparingly, you’ll benefit the most from it.
If you’d be interested in trying this out, go here. And please come back and let me know how you like it!

Extra Cash & Rewards


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