Mar 30, 2014

Figured I’d make a post sharing who I got paid by in January. There were quite a few that month because I participated more than I normally do. So here you go:
Note: Some of these links are affiliate/referral links. Read my disclosure here.
SuperPoints – I got paid by SuperPoints a few times. I finally made it to Platinum status, and once you’re there, it’s easier to reach cash out because it only takes 500 points to redeem. I have gotten both an Amazon card and $5 to Paypal through SuperPoints. Have an invite and need to get some referrals? Leave it in the comments below.
Sponsored Tweets – I got paid for tweeting a few times via Sponsored Tweets. I have my rate set a $1 per tweet and there were a few people who actually took me up on it. You can cash out any time with Sponsored Tweets as long as you do have $2 in your account, but I’d really recommend waiting till you have a little more because they charge you $2 to take your money out unless you have at least $50 in there.
YouData – This company pays me about every week. It’s normally only a bit of small change (like a quarter or less per week), but I do admire the fact that they are so consistent about sending it, no matter how small. If you’re interested in what this is, it’s basically just clicking ads. And they don’t always have ads for you to view.
Beezag – I cashed out for the first time with Beezag this month. You have to have 8000 points there to redeem for $8 to Paypal, and I finally got there. It took them about a week to send it after I redeemed for it. I have been a Beezag member since August or so of last year so this one took a while for me, but it’s mainly because I honestly have not participated much here.
Paid Viewpoint – I cashed out for $15 with Paid Viewpoint (a great survey site) and they sent it to my Paypal account that same day! I love that about this company. This is one I recommend. They keep the surveys short, sweet, and to the point. And you get paid for every question you answer. You have to have $15 to cash out with this one.
Instant Cash Sweepstakes – I cashed out a few times here as well, but just for a few dollars each time. There is no minimum payout. It’s run by the same people who run Paid Viewpoint, and basically all you do is answer short little polls. Sometimes you’ll win a few cents for answering and sometimes you won’t. If you don’t, you will usually get some coins or tickets that you can cash in for contest entries. They have one $50 contest every day and several small $2 contests every day. I have won the $2 contest a few times.
Share Magnet – This one is listed last, but it’s for sure not least! I really, really like Share Magnet. It’s kind of like Sponsored Tweets where you can get paid for tweeting out ads, but with this one you can also get paid for sharing them on Facebook and several other social networking sites. I cashed out here for about $5 and it was sent to me promptly. You only need $1 to cash out and they have a long list of great links to share (including a link for my other site, Real Ways to Earn Money Online!) You get paid a few cents here every time someone clicks on the links you share.
And unless I’m forgetting something, I believe that was it for January. All of the above are great programs I highly recommend, have been paid by, and can confirm they are for real.
Note: Some of the links above are affiliate/referral links. Read my disclosure here.


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